Sunday, March 9, 2008

Zaireeka Reflection

The whole of what was accomplished with this album is really quite unique and fairly impressive. Such noises that are presented very randomly and yet somehow form coherent tracks is astonishing. If each four album discs were listened to separately one might say that not a whole lot was accomplished. However, with multiple tracks played at once, the true identity of the project is revealed and that is when it all comes together and the chaos and randomness becomes a carefully plotted out, structured work. Due to the varying levels of desynchronization, the interpretations garnered while listening would have to be different each time and while to some people that would be very annoying. I believe that it is really cool – and not just cool – this random assortment of sounds that experience a variety of effects just might blow someone’s mind. Instead of getting the same song for track three each time, every listen becomes a new, unique piece of artwork. This album is even more artistic than other albums because it constantly morphs into new, ever-changing pieces with each listen.
This is something quite unique and completely rare within the world of art (as far as music goes). While at times the noises were viewed as disconnected chords that rarely reverberated with much sense or seeming reason to them, the moments of peace and synchronization during the songs was almost euphoric bliss.
Many people would probably not have preferred to have been presented with music in such a manner. It’s true, the album poses many difficulties to those individuals who do not possess the patience of the four cd players to fully enjoy the complexities of the album.
However, these people never were the target audience for The Flaming Lips. But rather the audience is the people who sat on the floor in Old Main and were perfectly content with enjoying the calm as well as the disconcerted moments during the roughly 45 minutes of listening time.

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